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40 Artistic Mixed Media Art and Painting on Canvas

Mixed Media Art and Painting on Canvas is the symbol of creativity artist can show. Mixed media art refers to combining two or more variety of arts together to create a magic on canvas through painting. This variety of arts may be in terms of media or techniques that are combined brilliantly. Mixed media art can be simply pastels on acrylic paint or can also be complicated as a collage of different papers combined with paint. Such mixed media art genre of canvas painting can create a unique art piece with the discovery of various possibilities on canvas.


Mixed Media Art and Painting on Canvas

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Oils on the base of acrylics

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The mixed media art provides huge opportunity to step out of the box and create a unique piece of art. With this combination of oil paints and acrylic colors within try a variety of new techniques and experiment the overall outcome. You can spark any idea with these paints. You can also add detail lines with crayons or pastels. Such oil on acrylic art piece is too promising and full of challenge to explore unique technique.

Different water colors layered one above

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You can use water colors and inks for this Mixed Media Art and Paint on Canvas project. To give the texture on this water color you can use wax resist like wax paper or plastic material kitchen wrap and plastic bags. To give the contrast and outlining effect you can use metallic pens and also the markers. Water colors can be blown on paper for artistic creation. You can doodle whatever you want on the base of water colors or inks.

Oil pastels on oil paint

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With this technique of Mixed Media Art and Painting on Canvas, you can have a unique and attractive art creation. There are different forms of pastels available in the market which can be experimented on the textured paper for a new art piece. Know these varieties of pastels to use them appropriately on the base of oil paints. You need to master shades of pastels by rubbing them to get dark to light shades. You can learn this on the dark background.

Layering on canvas

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This is the collage technique of Mixed Media Art and Painting on Canvas. You can start this technique with Magazine pages that can be collected in a variety of colors and textures. To get your own pallet you just need to tear off the colorful magazine. For this layering technique, you need a glue stick, magazine pages, water container and large white plate.

On the black canvas

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You can create a unique canvas art by beginning with the scribbled lines on the black canvas using pencils and crayons. You can now adhere found objects like fabric or textured papers on this scribbled canvas using a paint brush dipped in glue. You can also paint with white paint or the colors like magenta and orange on the black canvas to create an art piece of freehand.

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Have you started experimenting Mixed Media Art and Painting on Canvas? If not yet you should keep in mind that mixed media art needs to master at least one of the arts to get a hand on it. Let us together long various artistic techniques for the mixed media art. Above stunning mixed media art techniques are worth crying for a unique artistic piece on canvas. These different combinations of art can guide you for a magical artistic mixed media and painting. You should get ready with your usual paints, brushed, a variety of pastels, pencils, crayons, oil sticks and water proof pen. These are some basic elements you need to start artistic mixed media art.

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