36 Inspiring Bullet Journal Ideas To Start With (2022 Updated)
Before we begin to dig into the nitty-gritty of a bullet journal, let’s first understand what a bullet journal is. This journal is basically a blank notebook, which you fill in with your future plans and to-do things. Besides that, it also involves tracking your past and streamlining your present. In simple words, a bullet journal is all you need to make life more productive. Although there are many Inspiring Bullet Journal Ideas, we dish out here some of the most important ones. Check out-
Inspiring Bullet Journal Ideas
Having A Meal Planner
Although there are many Inspiring Bullet Journal Ideas, having a meal planner is inevitable. A weekly or daily meal planner will ensure that you have healthy food every day, without fail. And most importantly, you have it on time.
A ‘Books To Read’ Section
If you are an avid book reader, then you simply cannot avoid making books a part of your bullet journal. So, for the book worm that you are, create a ‘books to read’ section by any name of your choice, and put in it the titles you really want to read. If you are trying to get into the habit of reading, then this tip will help you extraordinarily.
Make The Journal Look Colorful
It is always easier to build the entire journal with a single tool- a pen. But then using markers and highlighters and pens that write in different colors will make it much more fun and interesting. Chances are, opening such a journal will break your face into a bright smile. Colors play their part, after all. Stickers also can add brightness to the page as there are so many different kinds you can choose from. Pipsticks monthly sticker club offers you a variety of stickers each month that you can add to your journal.
#Tip: While making the bullet journal, it’s quite important use the perfect calligraphy alphabets to make the journal look attractive. And for that, you can help yourself with some calligraphy alphabets and writing styles.
Illustrations If Possible
If you have even a little bit of artistic skills, then create some illustrations for your journal. For instance, when you are writing about meals, you can probably draw a platter of food beside the note.
Movies To Watch Log
Whether or not you are a movie buff, you should watch movies to enhance your outlook and of course, to build and mold perspectives. If this idea looks bright, create a log for to-be-watched movies.
The Daily Layout Is A Must
You must stay in touch with your journal on a daily basis. For that, you need to have a daily layout in it. It acts as your diary as well as your to-do list. That
#Tip: Drawing something cute and attractive in your bullet journal also look creative. And for that, you don’t have to pick anything difficult but some easy drawings can help you a lot.
Habit Tracking
Habits that you are obsessed with most should be mentioned in this section. It must also include a list of habits that you desire to make or develop.
Your Top Goals
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Maybe you want to clean your kitchen tomorrow, but that’s not a sizeable goal. Your top goals are definitely more important and could be set with monthly or weekly achievement deadlines. You can also have goals for your lifetime.
Create A Monthly Layout
Unless and until you have aims to target on a monthly basis, you won’t feel your bullet journal is doing anything awesome. So, have a monthly layout in your journal, which you must fill with tasks to do and goals you intend to achieve on a monthly basis.
Mood Tracking With Colours
Talking about Inspiring Bullet Journal Ideas, how can you leave out this amazing idea? So, what it does is that it makes your bullet journal more efficient by incorporating mind matters into it. Track your mood over months, and you might be able to spot some creepy pattern in it. It is especially helpful for women!
For people who want to streamline their life and also for those who are already too streamlined, a bullet journal is a must. It is not just a tracker and a reminder, it is a guide to help you lead a better life. Inspiring Bullet Journal Ideas like the ones above will definitely get you back to your journal every day, even on occasions when you feel demotivated. So, incorporate them into your journal, and make it more interesting!