
35 Famous Cartoon Characters with Glasses


Famous Cartoon Characters with Glasses6

He is another amazing character, who is a genius boy and has been running a laboratory secretly. His over-sized glasses have undoubtedly given the strength to his character. It’s the most loved character from the list of Famous Cartoon Characters with Glasses, even my favorite too 😉


Famous Cartoon Characters with Glasses7

The character from one of the most   popular shows i.e. Scooby Doo

      • The nerd who is supposed to be the only intelligent one in the lot, and the specs kind off suited the character.
      • She is the youngest amongst all and is the only one who had plans ready to come out of the traps.

Meg Griffin

Famous Cartoon Characters with Glasses8

She has been featured in the show family guy and is the eldest kid of the family. However, she is not treated well by the family members, and is being left out and ignored and does not gets any family attention.

Arthur Read

Famous Cartoon Characters with Glasses9

He has been featured in one of the most famous American educational shows, and is the main character of the show.

      • He has been seen wearing the glasses since the age of two.
      • His character was made in a unique way that had small, round ears, snout and a tail, which gives him a different look.



This guy known for his unusual use of his specs, who has been trying to use his glasses to catch the jelly fish, however he never ever had success in catching that fish, but nevertheless he is famous for doing this unusual stuff. And his teeth make him look even cuter. If you want to know about some more cartoon characters which are popular because of their funny and big teeth, then you should check out latest collection.

Professor Frink

Famous Cartoon Characters with Glasses11

He is seen in The Simpsons, a science nerd who is always seen wearing the specs.

      • The nerd is never seeing removing his specs, which makes his role more impactful and the glasses are twice the size of his eyes.
      • He is always seen with a bottle of coke in his hands.

Johnny Bravo

Famous Cartoon Characters with Glasses12

A Dumb character with a pair of glasses always on his face, not exactly a glass but black sunglasses.


Famous Cartoon Characters with Glasses13

A character which is as young as a two year old kid and your kids for sure is going to relate themselves with him.

      • He is a flame haired character who has again bought those thick lose glasses in to fashion.
      • Almost compelled, the people to again try on this new look which was found sometimes twenty years back.

Eric Cartman (South Park)

Famous Cartoon Characters with Glasses14

He carries a pair of Rayban sunglasses, and this look had made him one of the funniest cartoons ever created on any of the shows.

We hope you’ve loved this cute and amazing collection of Famous Cartoon Characters with Glasses. If you think that some cartoon characters are missing in the list which are worth mentioning then, please guide us in comment section.

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