110+ Cool and Simple Drawings Ideas To fill your Sketchbook
TIME – it passes faster when the conversations or our activities are simulating and yet the slowest when the things lackluster!
Sitting on the backbench trying to get over that boring math or science class, all you want to do is kill time so that you can move out of that space. Moreover, if you are done with your household chores and have some time left in your hand, you should make the most out of it. So what can you do? We have a great idea! Why not doodle something fascinating on the last page of your notebook? Now you’ll think, what should I doodle? Isn’t anything catchy yet simple crossing your mind? Well, you can always have help from our Cool and Simple Drawings Ideas To fill your sketchbook that will make you dive in the world of art! And in you wish to teach your kids some awesome drawings, here are a few topics for you!

Cool and Simple Drawings Ideas to Kill Time
These Cool and simple drawings ideas will not only help you to kill your boredom but also help you to learn a skill. And you must know that a skill learned will never get wasted. We found this video on youtube and find it very useful for our readers and hence sharing it with you all.
How to draw a Peacock Easy step by step

- Draw the belly.
- Add the neck and head.
- Add wings, face and feet.
- Draw two bottom feathers.
- Draw center back feather.
- Add feather to either side.
- Fill in with two more feathers.
- Draw spots on feathers. Add ground line.
- Trace and color with crayons.
How to Draw a Tank Easy

- Start drawing the tank by creating the top section. Draw two horizontal lines connected with three curved lines, just like the one in the illustration.
- Draw the body of the tank.
- Draw the foundation of the tank. This time, you will connect the two sections you drew on Steps 1 and 2. Draw three short vertical lines and a fairly long horizontal line.
- Draw the outline of the track of the tank (the track houses or contains the road wheels). Draw three fairly short diagonal lines, one longer diagonal line, and a short horizontal line. This will form the right track of your tank.
- Draw the left side of the tank’s track.
- Add the main gun of the tank! Draw a small circle at the left edge of two long and unconnected diagonal lines. A semi-circle or curve added to the right side will make it look like it’s connected to the top part of the tank.
- It’s time to create the road wheels of the left track. Draw two circles with an inner circle on each
- Following the instruction in Step 7, draw three circles to represent three road wheels.
- Draw a square shape at the middle of the top section you drew on Step1. Add one downward diagonal line each on the right sides of the sections you drew on Steps 1 and 2. Add an inner circle on the left edge section you drew on Step 6. Finally, add vertical lines on the body and on both tracks.
How to Draw a Roblox Character

- Start with the head. The head will be drawn as a slightly rounded square shape.
- Next step is drawing the first arm for the character. The character will be a construction worker.
- For that reason, he will be brandishing a hammer in this hand. The shoulder will be connected very closely to his head with only a very small line for the shoulder. Then, use some more curved lines for the arm extending up.
- Next step is to draw the eyes, simply use two small, solid black ovals with a white dot in each one. Then you can create a smiling mouth by using a simple curved line. Once you have finished the face, start his chest by using some simple lines. Use more curved lines to have his other arm at his side. This arm will look quite similar to the first one that you drew, however this one won’t be holding anything like the other one was.
- Use some simple lines to finish off the outline of his chest and waist. Then, you can add some pockets knot the stomach of his jacket. Finally, you will be drawing his first leg, which you will draw with some slightly wavy lines. Then, you can finish off with his shoe at the bottom of his pants leg.
- Now add another leg. Then, once you have that leg you can add some final details. Add some lines to the rims of his sleeves and end of his jacket for more texture. Finish off your Roblox drawing with some color.
How to draw a Demon

- Begin by drawing a circle. This will form the head.
- Draw two long, curved lines extending downward from the head. This will outline the body.
- Enclose the body, legs, and feet using a long, curved line.
- Draw the arm using a series of curved lines. Draw one long curve to outline the top of the arm; then, draw a shorter, upside down “U” shaped line to form the inside of the hand. Complete the outside of the hand with another short, curved line, and use a final curve to connect the hand to the body, fully enclosing the arm.
- Draw the other arm on the opposite side, in a similar manner to the first. Use long, curved lines to outline the arm, as well as shorter curved lines and a “U” shaped line to form the hand.
- Give the little guy some clothing. Draw a curved line across the abdomen and the top of each leg. Above the garment, draw a tiny circle to indicate the belly button.
- Extend two parallel, “S” shaped lines from one side, forming a tail. Enclose the end of the tail by drawing a triangle around it.
- Enclose pointed ears on each side of the head, using one curved line for each. Detail the inside of the ear using connected curved lines. Above the ears, draw horns. For each horn, draw two curved lines, forming a slanted triangle shape.
- Draw two long, curved, connected lines to enclose the snarling mouth. Draw two slanted, upside down triangles dangling from the top of the mouth, indicating teeth. Draw a curve along the bottom of the mouth to form the tongue, and draw a short squiggle to add depth to each corner of the mouth. To draw the eyes, first use two curved lines to form the brows. Enclose a half circle under each.
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How to Draw Ruffles

- In this ruffle tutorial, we’ll draw a skirt with lots of ruffles covering the lower half of the body. Start with the left side of the dress hem. You will do this using several curved lines that join together to form the layers of the dress.
- This step, you’ll mirror what you did in step 1. Once you’ve drawn both lines of the dress, you’ll be ready to connect them with some details in the next few steps.
- For the top of the dress, use some connecting curves on this first layer to form the material that bunches up where it’s connected.
- Add some layers to your ruffle drawing in this section by using a wavy line to create the edge of these wavy lines.
- You will add another wavy line to form the next ruffle layers. The wavy lines you’re drawing will help create the look of wrinkled fabric.
- First, you’ll take what you did in the previous step and add another wavy line for the fringes at the bottom of the skirt. Once you’ve drawn those wavy lines, add some slight curves from each layer of the dress. These lines will help give the fabric some texture.
How to Draw a Bench

- Draw a long, narrow rectangle first. This will for the seats.
- Draw the feet of the bench.
- Enclose a wide thin trapezoid on the seats. And draw a long, narrow rectangle over the seats. This will for a wood bar for the back.
- Draw the second wood bar.
- Draw the third wood bar.
- Use six sets of short lines to connect the wood bars to form the back of the bench.
How to Draw a Scarf

- Draw a big oval first, leave a gap at the left end and the right end. Then draw two vertical lines at the gaps to connect the ends, and draw a curve inside.
- Draw two more curves inside, as shown above.
- Draw two long vertical lines at the bottom. Then draw three short vertical lines between them.
- On the other side of the bottom, draw five vertical lines in the same way.
- Now paint with your favorite color.
How to Draw a Fly

- Start by drawing an oval for the head.
- Next draw a half circle and connect it to the oval to form the fly’s thorax.
- Draw a larger ellipse to make the fly’s abdomen. Make sure you angle the ellipse upward.
- Draw the wings as large flat ellipses. Angle the rear ellipses at a steeper angle than the front ellipse.
- Draw each of the fly’s six legs as two sets of lines. The legs on the left side of the body should be angled in the middle.
- Draw the eyes as large circles on the lower side of the head. Make sure to leave white dots on the top corner to show reflection.
- Draw the fly’s mouthparts as two curved lines branching away from the bottom of the head.
How to Draw adopt me pets

- We will draw parrot as pet. First start your parrot by drawing a circle with a space on the left side. This will be the parrot’s head.
- In the open space of the head draw in a pointed beak and add a circle to the face that connects to the beak, with a smaller circle inside of it for the eye.
- Draw the body by making a long curved line coming down from the head, and a small line coming down from the middle of the head.
- At the bottom of the body add two legs with feet.
- Between the two lines of the body add a wing. This is in the shape of an upside down egg. Add patterns to the wing.
- Finish your parrot by adding a tail feather to the back of the body.
How to Draw a Candy Cane

- Start with a simple hook like lined shape.
- Using the line you just made, draw the shape of the candy cane. You can choose to draw just the one, or you can choose to make as many as you want.
- Add the stripes to your candy cane then you’re done.
How to Draw a Pumpkin

When it comes to cool and simple drawings ideas a pumpkin is everyone’s favorite. Especially in the fall time. And though there is still time for fall, your munchkin can learn to draw the perfect pumpkin by the time fall comes and you can concentrate on a more intricate art. Start by driving two Cs facing each other with a good enough space between them. Connect their top and bottom with arch lines and then finish it off with curved lines inside the pumpkin. And don’t forget to give this pumpkin that small stem and color it away.
Easy Halloween Drawing for kids

If there is one thing that excites kids more than anything then it is Halloween. So while we are on the topic of easy drawing ideas for kids then there is a bunch of creepy yet adorable things that kids can try creating. Some of them are pumpkin (this time with a face), a spider and its web, a witch’s hat or broomstick. All these are extremely easy to draw and scarily fun too! Just begin with the basic shapes and then give it your own flair.
Disney Castle Drawing

Disney surely knows how to keep the children entertained with or without the TV. We know the characters by heart but let’s not forget the famous Disney castle that we adore so much. To draw this beautiful castle, firstly you need to start with towers by drawing rectangles and give them turrets using triangles. Make sure there is a large space between them and then draw another tower right in between the two towers. Now join them with a line and adorn it with windows and flags. The best part is now to play with colors and give it a touch of your own version. And don’t forget to add dreamy moon and stars in the background.
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- 80 Cool and Easy Things to Draw When Bored
- 38 Easy Acrylic Landscape Painting Ideas for Beginners
- 100 Easy Watercolor Painting Ideas for Beginners
- 42 Famous Pablo Picasso Paintings and Art Pieces
Easy Lotus Flower Drawing

A beautiful flower like lotus can be really easy to draw if you just stick with the simple steps. Firstly draw the central petal of the lotus flower by drawing two curved lines meeting sharply at the top. Next draw side petal similarly and keep drawing extended petals two or three more times. Then draw the lower petals of the flower. You can keep it simple or add more petals in between the upper petals to give it more depth. Now give it a giant leaf floating on the water and decide the color you would wanna give to your lotus flower.
How to Draw Disney Princess

There are many Disney princesses your kid could try drawing. Perhaps begin with the one he or she likes the most. There are many options here like Cinderella, Snow White, Belle, Jasmine, Aurora, Ariel and many more. The recent favorite princesses of many kids these days are our beloved Anna and Elsa. Begin with face and hair line and then continue towards neck and shoulders and then start on the face.
This tutorial might seem intimidating if your kid is very young but don’t worry. You can ask her to give Elsa her own touch with cute round eyes and gold braid. As long as her dress is blue and her hair is blonde, things would be just fine for Elsa. She loves kids, she’ll understand. Wink! In fact, you can try keeping the basic face shape and structure and then paint her in different colors to draw all the Disney princesses.
How to Draw a Book

Some of the easy drawing ideas for kids always include a book. Especially if your kid is an avid reader then let him draw his favorite thing with these few basic and easy steps. Just begin by drawing straight lines such that it looks like a rhombus but make it more inclined horizontally. Next draw the small Cs at the edge of the three corners visible. Connect them with straight lines as well. Add more straight lines between them to look like pages and lastly give some details to the front of the book. Your kid can simply write the name of his favorite book on top rather than creating any image.

If one book is not enough then follow the same process at varying angles or you could just ask your sweet pea to draw a stack of books. Just make sure the size of the books lying on top of each other varies and also give them different colors for a better depth effect. Your little Picasso can also try drawing an open book with this another super easy step by step tutorial.
How to Draw a landscape with Pencil

There are a plethora of options for cool and simple drawings ideas for kids when it comes to the landscape theme. For instance, if your baby is obsessed with beaches then the perfect landscape would be to draw a sea side. Show the sun gleaming in the distance and a bunch of coconut trees on the other side of the sea. To make things extra cute add some giant umbrellas and beach toys and voila! Your sea landscape would be ready to give you perfect summer vibes. If it is too much then just simply leave it at sea scene like shown above.

Another great option would be to draw a mountain sight. This you could teach even without a tutorial. Start by drawing giant triangles and these would be our mountains. Secondly, draw an arch between two triangles and we would get our sun. Rest of the touches could be your own. For example, you could draw a river and then show a grassy land or show village houses on the side. Or just draw some houses on the hill sides. Whatever your kid draws, one can never go wrong with the landscape.
How to draw a Pencil

One of the easiest things to draw for your little peanut is a pencil. Begin by drawing two parallel straight lines with a space of about a centimetre between them. Or you could adjust the thickness of the pencil as per your wish. Draw two more parallel lines in this space. Now join one side of two outer lines with two slanted lines in a V shape such that they meet at a sharp point. And join the other side with simply a line. Draw two more lines and join them with tiny arches. This would be the pencil’s one end. On the other end draw a small curve near the end to give your pencil a nice and sharp tip. Now draw more of such pencils and give them different colors because one won’t ever be enough. Your kid would agree!
How to Doodle| Easy Doodle Ideas

Sometimes you don’t need to draw a perfect shape or figure. Just having a pencil and doodling away can be a lot more fun than one might expect. Even we adults can’t stop doodling then here we are talking about kids. If we talk about doodle ideas for kids then there can be so many items to draw. Here is a tiny list of doodle ideas:
- Paper planes
- Ice cream
- Heart shapes
- Emojis
- Fruits
- Clouds
- Flowers
- Different geometric shapes
- Cartoons
And the list can go on and on and on. In fact, all you need to do is look around and pick any object and ask your kid to start drawing it. It could simply be a coffee cup or your glasses. The best part about doodling is it doesn’t need to be perfect.
Here is an a great example to try. This doodle art is made by a single continuous loopy lines. Without lifting the pencil, this line is just moving where your heart takes and is making one great doodle art with curves and cross. Now you just need to color it with different shades and embrace the inner artist.
Mandala Drawing Ideas

Mandala art is all about intricate and complicated designs. But there is no such rule that says the kids can’t do it. While your kid could be too young the spiritual and peaceful nature that these mandala designs represent, he or she can still find them very fascinating. So it shouldn’t surprise you if they see one look at one of these designs and start creating mandala drawings on their sheets.
To make things easy and fun, stick to the basic shapes of circles, triangles, and squares along with lines, dots, and stars. Using these simple figures your kid can easily make a beautiful mandala drawing. You could also make them try drawing a flower mandala. Begin by drawing a giant circle and then add varying shapes and patterns inside it. And don’t forget to paint it in as many colors as your little painter wants. The more colorful the mandala art is the more stunning it will look.
Docile Night Lamp Drawing For Tattoo Inspiration

Were you thinking of having a tattoo but confused about what to have as a permanent scar on your body? Your doodles can always seek you out of such situations. Having something made by yourself on your body embarks a different sense of joy! Therefore, doodle some beautiful docile night lamp and add in some details to it. Here are easy steps to draw a dog if you are head over heels in love with them!
Pastime Botanical Doodles & Drawings

There are times when drawing leaves and botanical elements satisfy your need to relax. They just have that serendipity in them. In your pass time, you can always draw this drawing for a relatively relaxed feeling. You can have your dog cartoon sketch inspiration from here.
Boho Doodles In Heart

Are you a boho-chic? Then we are sure you must have a dozen of things in your room that relate to the boho theme. Staying true to your guts and your heart, you can have your love poured on the paper with this type of boho drawing that is fitted inside a heart-shaped outline. Here are a
Or Some Droplet Doodles…

If you are into intricate patterns and drawing such things keep your heart and mind simulated, and then try out this masterpiece! Having a beautiful structure of droplet style outline and then filling it with minute detailed intricate patterns will definitely kill your time and increase your productivity. Here are some amazing charcoal drawing techniques that you can use for some great drawings.
Winnie The Pooh Pencil Drawing for Kids

Living in the world of cartoons, Winnie the Pooh got us crazy and curious about honey! Enjoy your ride to yesteryears with this little drawing to kill your time in the classroom situation. If you need some help drawing him, have it from these step by step tutorials in here.
Elephant Pencil Tattoo

Didn’t we love this flying elephant to the moon and back? Its adorable eyes got us hitched and so did those very big ears. Jumbo was loved back then by every child and adult alike and we are surely gleaming into those beautiful eyes of this unique elephant will get a great drawing out of it. Here are some more techniques to draw a cartoon character step by step.
Mermaid In Glass Drawing

How would you feel to be trapped inside a small space where you didn’t have anywhere to go? Well, if this situation is relatable to you then surely drawing this will help you overcome that feeling. Is your kid enthusiastic about drawing? Here is a step by step tutorial for him.
Lady In The Ball Gown

This simple picture is an inspiration for budding fashion designers. It is nothing but the basics that you need to start. Drawing elegant costumes will only help you have great ideas and perspectives about fashion in the future.
The Perspective View

If you are passionate about drawing and art, it is important that you develop a view of things that you see. This is essential because it helps you notice minute details, the way a thing has its structure, and its curves, etc. this drawing will help you get a sexy beach scene captured through the glasses. Here are steps to draw a Wolverine drawing when you are bored.
The Quill of Love | Cool and Simple Drawings Ideas

Quills or Feathers are by far the most intimate way to reflect your love for writing moreover the classic old-fashioned way of writing. It shows elegance and beauty, this drawing will ultimately please your heart. Here are reasons why your kids should learn drawing.
Let’s continue with some more cool and simple drawings ideas. These ideas are so time that everyone can try it with or without the knowledge of drawings.
Easy Cartoon Drawing Ideas

If you love cartoons, there is no reason why you shouldn’t try drawing them your own way. But then although they look adorable, they are not super easy to draw. So, it’s always advisable that you begin with simple ideas such as cat cartoons. Cats inherently have a caricature face, and make for amazing cartoon drawings. Creating a cartoon penguin can also be one of your first assignments. With simple shading skills, you can get outstanding results for a penguin. Also, how about drawing a baby Panda? With basic black and white contrast, Panda cartoons look outright alive. Out of easy cartoon drawings, Tweety is overly popular- simple pencil strokes can get you results that artists crave for.
How to Draw Landscape Objects: Mountains, Clouds, Rivers
Drawing landscape objects like mountains, clouds and rivers needs some practice. And the guidelines below will help you practice right.
Perspective plays a big role here. It’s as important as proportions. And together they make your landscape look realistic. While drawing rivers flowing down mountains, make sure they are tapered at the mouth.

Hills are never the same size. So, try creating them in varying heights and broadness.

For clouds, always consider shading. How fluffy and realistic they look depend on the finesse with which the shading has been done.

You can also try adding an object at the foreground of your frame to add depth to the composition.
How to Draw an Eye

Drawing an eye is easy and difficult at the same time. Difficult because it involves loads of details. Easy because there are hacks to draw an eye right. For instance, an eye drawing developed on a basic almond shaped outline can never go wrong. Also, the eyelashes are never straight, they are always angled or curved- keep in mind. Plus, never miss details that appear less important. For instance, there is a fold on the skin right above the upper eye lash, missing it could make the eye look unnatural. Coming to the eyebrows, draw them carefully. Mind that they are a bed of short hair strands, and not a uniform block of black, grey or brown color. The eye balls need some shading skills, which you can acquire through practice.

Easy 3D Drawing Ideas
For an easy 3D drawing, water droplets are a great subject. But the results depend on the artist’s shading skills. Try out a 3D hole as well; you will attain realism by using concentric circles for the hole. 3D alphabets have also lately been popular. They are easy and are perfect for 3D drawing practice. You can also try drawing cracks on the earth, for which you will need a clear perspective of space. Further, 3D stairs are an amazing subject for less-expert hands.

Essentially, no matter which idea you choose, it’s important to pay attention to details, for perfection.
Easy Leaf Drawing tutorial | Cool and Simple Drawings Ideas

Drawing a leaf is a cakewalk for many, but for a near-perfect result, you need some serious work. Always start by creating an oval. Then cut the oval along its length with a straight line. Now, draw a serrated line along the outline of the oval, making sure the tip tapers outside the head of the oval. There you have your leaf! Now, mark slanting lines on both sides of the leaf, ascertaining that they emanate from the backbone of the oval. Finally, draw a stalk and you are good to go!
How to Draw a Male or Female Face
Drawing faces can be extremely challenging, considering the fine details, which when go wrong, stick out like a sore thumb. But are there tips to help a learner draw better faces? Yes, and here they are-
Always begin by drawing an oval that is slightly narrower at the bottom. Now, cut the oval in halves with lines, both horizontally and vertically. This is your map for the face, which guides you to draw parts like mouth, nose and eyes on the oval, based on scaled proportions.

Angle the face makes with your line of sight is important while drawing the nose. For the accurate shape of the nose, you need practice.

While drawing the eyes, the spacing between them is important. Also, it’s crucial to make sure both the eyes look identical.

Lips can be the shape of a bow, adjusted to look like lips.

The ears start at the axis passing through both the eyes. But keep an eye to their size- make sure they look proportional to the face.

When you draw a face, outlines really matter. After all, male and female face outlines are significantly different. So, attempt them carefully.

And honestly, when it’s come to picking my personal favorite cool and simple drawings ideas, drawing faces always hold the top position because of the varities we can try. If you only learn to draw one type of Eyes, nose, Lips and face shape then you can make 24 different faces. That’s reallt GREAT. What do you think?