25 Cute Japanese Cartoon Characters

25 Cute Japanese Cartoon Characters

Cartoon is a visual representation in the form of two-dimensional art. Cartoon drawings could be preliminary sketch or a humorous satirical drawing. But there are stylistic similarities between comics and animated movies. Now cartoons are no more a drawing but it has become an animated. Animation designates any style of images seen in rapid succession…

45 Cute Cartoon Couple Characters Names List (with Pictures) 2021

45 Cute Cartoon Couple Characters Names List (with Pictures) 2021

The cartoon is a simple drawing or a source of creative thinking from anyone’s perception. Cartoons are considered to be a representation of various aspects of human life. They could be humorous, fun, or serious. With the help of cartoons, Cartoonist tries to capture the idea of what he/she wants to convey. People always feel…

10 Oldest Cartoon Character in the World

10 Oldest Cartoon Character in the World

Cartoons had always entertained people since past. Walt Disney brought the revolution in Cartoon world and the cartoons started to be looked as the source of entertainment in most parts of the world. Cartoon characters are the favorite of many people. There are many cartoon characters that people can’t forget in their lifetime. Some of…