Wallpaper by just the name, it indicates the paper pasted on a wall. In those days people use to decorate the rooms with thick paper stuck which even lasts well for years. But these days, wallpaper refers to the desktop pictures. It is an individual right to decide what wallpaper he wants in his desktop. It depends on the person’s interests and age. Kids of this generation are attracted towards fictional and cartoon character like Spiderman, Batman, and Superman etc. The most famous of the lot is that of the Superman. Many kids want their parents to put in Superman HD Wallpaper for Desktop. And hence, the demand for these wall papers has increased in the recent times. There is no doubt that superman is the imaginative hero of most of the boys.
Superman is the most famous superhero. Young boys are very much attracted toward this carton fictional character. It is created by Jerry Siegel and Jos Shuster in 1932. But it appeared in newspapers only from 1938. From then, pictures of Superman started coming out in papers. So you can just imagine the popularity that it has carried over generations. The official dress of Superman has yellow, blue and red outfits. The comic was first released by Dc Comics for superman. The few of the comic books on Superman are “Superboy”, “Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane”, and “Superman Family”. The history of superman has success in cinemas in 1978. The comics were well pictured as movies and released.
It is a notable fact that the other superheroes such as Aquaman, Batman and Wonder Woman are created with Superman as a prototype. These superheroes are also similar to Superman. They have well defined costumes, and accessories. The Superman character in particular has become a symbol to represent values such as bravery, honesty and morality. This is why superman wallpapers have gained popularity. The character of superman has stated to be made as a cultural icon. There is a lot of learning for kids from these fictional characters. It is very easy for the kids to learn from these types of imaginary characters rather real time ideals and thoughts.